TeSSLa Libraries

Collection of free TeSSLa libraries from the community

Since compiler version 2.1.0 TeSSLa libraries can be included with adding a line include lib "libname:version" to your specification. If not already available in the folder dependencies on the same level as the main TeSSLa source file the library is then automatically downloaded and included. For earlier TeSSLa versions the TeSSLa libraries can manually be downloaded from the library repository and included.

Note that some of the libraries also require to be run by specific Tool chains (e.g. the TeSSLa ROS Bridge) which are available here.

TeSSLa TADL2/Autosar-Timex Library
Library name: tadl_timex, Latest version: 1.0.0,
TeSSLa version: 1.2.2-1.2.4 License: Apache 2.0
TeSSLa library with functions for checking TADL 2 Constraints
Documentation Project Page All versions

TeSSLa TDDL Library
Library name: tddl, Latest version: 1.0.1,
TeSSLa version: 2.0.0+ License: Apache 2.0
TeSSLa implementation of Timed Dyadic Deontic Logic
Documentation Additional information All versions

TeSSLa Petri net library
Library name: petri_net, Latest version: 1.0.0,
TeSSLa version: 2.1.0+ License: Apache 2.0
TeSSLa library for modelling and monitoring of Petri nets
Documentation Blog article Additional information All versions

TeSSLa/ROS Bridge
Library name: ros_bridge, Latest version: 1.0.0,
TeSSLa version: 1.0.0+ License: Apache 2.0
TeSSLa library and tooling for integration with the Robot Operating System (ROS)
Documentation Blog article Project Page All versions

TeSSLa Telegraf Connector
Library name: telegraf, Latest version: 1.0.0,
TeSSLa version: 1.0.0+ License: Apache 2.0
TeSSLa library and tooling for integration with the Telegraf framework
Documentation Blog article Project Page All versions

If you wish to publish your TeSSLa library on this page please contact us via info@tessla.io.