TeSSLa Download

Get the latest TeSSLa compiler, tools and libraries

TeSSLa Bundle

The TeSSLa bundle contains a compiler, interpreter and other useful tools for executing TeSSLa specifications.
It is written in Scala and available as a single JAR archive, a .deb package for Debian based Linux distributions.
Further it is available in the Arch Linux User Repository (AUR).

After installation TeSSLa can be launched with the command tessla or java -jar tessla.jar in case of Jar download.

The TeSSLa bundle is licensed under Apache 2.0 license.
For detailed license information run tessla -l and see META-INF/NOTICE in the jar archive.

Run tessla -h for information on the usage of the TeSSLa command line tool.

TeSSLa 2.1.0 Jar TeSSLa 2.1.0.deb TeSSLa 2.1.0 on AUR

You can find more information on how to get started with the TeSSLa compiler and interpreter in our documentation.

Further Jar versions

TeSSLa libraries

TeSSLa is able to include libraries with useful functions for certain application domains.

Browse TeSSLa User libraries

Source Code

TeSSLa is developed as an open-source project.
The source code of the TeSSLa bundle is available in the TeSSLa gitlab.

Additional Downloads

The following tools might be useful when using the TeSSLa toolchain.

TeSSLa Telegraf Connector

Utilities for including a TeSSLa monitor in a Telegraf installation can be downloaded here.
For details on usage see also here.

TeSSLa ROS Bridge

Tooling for connecting TeSSLa with the Robot Operating System (ROS) is available here.
For details on usage see also here.

Visual Studio Code Plugin

Since version 2.1.0 TeSSLa has an included language server (work in progress). A Visual Studio Code plugin (preliminary version, not stable) using the language server for code and error highlighting can be retrieved here.

Logging Library

If you are using the TeSSLa instrumenter for C code you might want to use the logging library in order to compile the instrumented code. The logging library can be downloaded here.